emily hu@emilyyyhu

    desperately scribbles something to slake my thirst in between juggling two dogs and two jobs

    desperately scribbles something to slake my thirst in between juggling two dogs and two jobs
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    whenever i watch pacific rim:

    whenever i watch pacific rim:
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    marta and ransom #KnivesOut

    marta and ransom #KnivesOut
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    me trying to will the images in my brain to the canvas

    me trying to will the images in my brain to the canvas
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    when your puppy is chewing on things she's not supposed to be but you're in a zoom call so you mute your mic and put your hand over your mouth and pull one of these

    when your puppy is chewing on things she's not supposed to be but you're in a zoom call so you mute your mic and put your hand over your mouth and pull one of these