jess ✨@supersappho

    another poor sketch of my two existing dnd characters ?

    another poor sketch of my two existing dnd characters ?
    jess ✨@supersappho

    quick sketches of miss evelynn to get the energy out of my system but im stillll oooooof

    quick sketches of miss evelynn to get the energy out of my system but im stillll oooooof
    jess ✨@supersappho

    ?i found this supeerrrrrr old corny comic of vampire adora being taken in by the horde which is made of a pack of werewolves

    ?i found this supeerrrrrr old corny comic of vampire adora being taken in by the horde which is made of a pack of werewolves
    jess ✨@supersappho

    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴

    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    jess ✨@supersappho

    Duality of my big booba tiefling

    Duality of my big booba tiefling