jess ✨@supersappho

    ?i found this supeerrrrrr old corny comic of vampire adora being taken in by the horde which is made of a pack of werewolves

    ?i found this supeerrrrrr old corny comic of vampire adora being taken in by the horde which is made of a pack of werewolves
    jess ✨@supersappho

    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴

    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    I have this procreate file where i just sketch in now and then whenever im having brainrot for ave and tori 🥴
    jess ✨@supersappho

    Duality of my big booba tiefling

    Duality of my big booba tiefling
    jess ✨@supersappho

    Absolutely losing my mind at the dog

    Absolutely losing my mind at the dog
    jess ✨@supersappho

    Look at this ansgty teen avelynn i sketched out 😳 when she still had black hair

    Look at this ansgty teen avelynn i sketched out 😳 when she still had black hair