ena kim 🏘@enataekim

    a group of friends and I started our first Pathfinder game together recently! I made a satyr bard named Liesel

    a group of friends and I started our first Pathfinder game together recently! I made a satyr bard named Liesel
    ena kim 🏘@enataekim

    quick doodle of my current condition: happy to have a kitten w roommates now but sad for my newly discovered asthma cat allergies :c

    quick doodle of my current condition: happy to have a kitten w roommates now but sad for my newly discovered asthma cat allergies :c
    ena kim 🏘@enataekim

    dreaming of owning a small plot of land someday

    dreaming of owning a small plot of land someday
    ena kim 🏘@enataekim

    under the rain

    under the rain
    ena kim 🏘@enataekim

    2016 in art! My first half of the year was stagnant due to school and laziness (probably) but I got into the zone after! Here's to 2017!

    2016 in art!
My first half of the year was stagnant due to school and laziness (probably) but I got into the zone after! Here's to 2017!