Laura Knetzger@LauraKnetzger

    I turned 30 today! I've been making little autobio comics to try to capture snapshots of what life feels like now

    I turned 30 today! I've been making little autobio comics to try to capture snapshots of what life feels like now
    I turned 30 today! I've been making little autobio comics to try to capture snapshots of what life feels like now
    I turned 30 today! I've been making little autobio comics to try to capture snapshots of what life feels like now
    I turned 30 today! I've been making little autobio comics to try to capture snapshots of what life feels like now
    Laura Knetzger@LauraKnetzger

    Most of them are turning out too bleak to share, which is enlightening in itself. Here's a funny one:

    Most of them are turning out too bleak to share, which is enlightening in itself. Here's a funny one:
    Laura Knetzger@LauraKnetzger

    Laura Knetzger@LauraKnetzger

    Fan art for Moon! I love Perogon!! The 4th image is a spoiler but I don't really know what to do about that on twitter

    Fan art for Moon! I love Perogon!! The 4th image is a spoiler but I don't really know what to do about that on twitter
    Fan art for Moon! I love Perogon!! The 4th image is a spoiler but I don't really know what to do about that on twitter
    Fan art for Moon! I love Perogon!! The 4th image is a spoiler but I don't really know what to do about that on twitter
    Fan art for Moon! I love Perogon!! The 4th image is a spoiler but I don't really know what to do about that on twitter
    Laura Knetzger@LauraKnetzger

    Story 1: That Old Love Song 16-year-old Anais is pissed at her family. Her grandmother's old flame River has come for a visit and it turns out he's a beautiful, immortal elf. Anais has serious reservations about this guy's intentions, but no one else sees a problem?

    Story 1: That Old Love Song
16-year-old Anais is pissed at her family. Her grandmother's old flame River has come for a visit and it turns out he's a beautiful, immortal elf. Anais has serious reservations about this guy's intentions, but no one else sees a problem?
    Story 1: That Old Love Song
16-year-old Anais is pissed at her family. Her grandmother's old flame River has come for a visit and it turns out he's a beautiful, immortal elf. Anais has serious reservations about this guy's intentions, but no one else sees a problem?
    Story 1: That Old Love Song
16-year-old Anais is pissed at her family. Her grandmother's old flame River has come for a visit and it turns out he's a beautiful, immortal elf. Anais has serious reservations about this guy's intentions, but no one else sees a problem?