Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Bunch o' pirates commission for a Patreon backer

    Bunch o' pirates commission for a Patreon backer
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Found this process image from 2015, trying to figure out if there's a good way to do traditional colors with my comics without losing clarity(hard for me). I ended up doing painted backgrounds and digital characters on this one. It was a neat effect, but I haven't used it since.

    Found this process image from 2015, trying to figure out if there's a good way to do traditional colors with my comics without losing clarity(hard for me). I ended up doing painted backgrounds and digital characters on this one. It was a neat effect, but I haven't used it since.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    This was from a Peanuts tribute book to which I contributed an essay, about Schulz's impact on the popular awareness of flying aces & the foreign legion as adv. genres after they'd largely disappeared from the narrative market (@LexFajardoArt & @thegalorian brought me on board)

    This was from a Peanuts tribute book to which I contributed an essay, about Schulz's impact on the popular awareness of flying aces & the foreign legion as adv. genres after they'd largely disappeared from the narrative market (@LexFajardoArt & @thegalorian brought me on board)
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    If you're perpetually low that Dreamwork's 2003 SINBAD doesn't have an art-of book to showcase its absolutely spectacular production work, REJOICE! Because Living Lines Library put up a TON of it about 10 yrs back. I look at 'em frequently, & so ought you:

    If you're perpetually low that Dreamwork's 2003 SINBAD doesn't have an art-of book to showcase its absolutely spectacular production work, REJOICE! Because Living Lines Library put up a TON of it about 10 yrs back. I look at 'em frequently, & so ought you:
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Well, it looks like I finished this page 5 years ago today (according to FB). I love playing with lettering from a formal perspective and this page is probably the one I'm proudest of in that department (meaning the blinds/whispers at the bottom, but the middle SFX is fun, too).

    Well, it looks like I finished this page 5 years ago today (according to FB). I love playing with lettering from a formal perspective and this page is probably the one I'm proudest of in that department (meaning the blinds/whispers at the bottom, but the middle SFX is fun, too).

