Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I got an ipad so that i can work not-at-the-desk sometimes (I've gotten to the point where I almost exclusively do my pencils digitally, so to do anything other than fool around I needed something screeny). First sketch on it that I'm pretty happy with (about ten sketches in):

    I got an ipad so that i can work not-at-the-desk sometimes (I've gotten to the point where I almost exclusively do my pencils digitally, so to do anything other than fool around I needed something screeny).
First sketch on it that I'm pretty happy with (about ten sketches in):
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    This popped up on my FB memories from 8 years back, and it still holds true: "Thumbing/penciling a page, and as I was drawing it I remembered that in comics, NOT seeing the moment of action but instead having to deduce what action occurred is often much funnier."

    This popped up on my FB memories from 8 years back, and it still holds true:

"Thumbing/penciling a page, and as I was drawing it I remembered that in comics, NOT seeing the moment of action but instead having to deduce what action occurred is often much funnier."
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I worry that a book will suffer if I can't give it undivided attention, but I did plenty of books while holding a day job, on top of other obligations. I can carve time again. In the 3 hours I've worked (started yesterday), I've written/roughed three pages. Up to 53 now (of 250)!

    I worry that a book will suffer if I can't give it undivided attention, but I did plenty of books while holding a day job, on top of other obligations. I can carve time again.
In the 3 hours I've worked (started yesterday), I've written/roughed three pages. Up to 53 now (of 250)!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    A quick thread comparing the ages of the characters in Alexander Dumas's THE THREE MUSKETEERS and the ages of the actors playing them in adaptations: 1/

    A quick thread comparing the ages of the characters in Alexander Dumas's THE THREE MUSKETEERS and the ages of the actors playing them in adaptations: 1/
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    January's figure set is gonna be the musketeers. Still gotta pencil D'Artagnan, but I've got the eponymous trio roughed out.

    January's figure set is gonna be the musketeers. Still gotta pencil D'Artagnan, but I've got the eponymous trio roughed out.

