Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Hey, it's Albrecht Dürer's 650th birthday today! Celebrate by basking in the radiance of his drawing of Jesus doing communion with pirates

    Hey, it's Albrecht Dürer's 650th birthday today! Celebrate by basking in the radiance of his drawing of Jesus doing communion with pirates
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I've done next to nothing but this Trigger Keaton fightin' story for the Skybound X anthology for the past couple weeks or thereabouts. But it's done!

    I've done next to nothing but this Trigger Keaton fightin' story for the Skybound X anthology for the past couple weeks or thereabouts. But it's done!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I'm currently drawing page after page after page after page of sidekicks fighting stuntmen and I'm having a real good time.

    I'm currently drawing page after page after page after page of sidekicks fighting stuntmen and I'm having a real good time.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Just saw a thing about learning perspective, and it reminded me how invaluable I found slim-and-to-the-point PAT QUINN's BASIC PERSPECTIVE FOR COMICS & ILLUSTRATION when I was learning it. None of the other books clicked for me but man alive, Pat's was exactly what I needed.

    Just saw a thing about learning perspective, and it reminded me how invaluable I found slim-and-to-the-point PAT QUINN's BASIC PERSPECTIVE FOR COMICS & ILLUSTRATION when I was learning it. None of the other books clicked for me but man alive, Pat's was exactly what I needed.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Thought I'd share my approach to placing figures in an environment, which I use a lot in wider shots that establish the location of a given scene and the spatial relationships of the characters to it, and to each other.

    Thought I'd share my approach to placing figures in an environment, which I use a lot in wider shots that establish the location of a given scene and the spatial relationships of the characters to it, and to each other.

