Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Just saw a thing about learning perspective, and it reminded me how invaluable I found slim-and-to-the-point PAT QUINN's BASIC PERSPECTIVE FOR COMICS & ILLUSTRATION when I was learning it. None of the other books clicked for me but man alive, Pat's was exactly what I needed.

    Just saw a thing about learning perspective, and it reminded me how invaluable I found slim-and-to-the-point PAT QUINN's BASIC PERSPECTIVE FOR COMICS & ILLUSTRATION when I was learning it. None of the other books clicked for me but man alive, Pat's was exactly what I needed.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Thought I'd share my approach to placing figures in an environment, which I use a lot in wider shots that establish the location of a given scene and the spatial relationships of the characters to it, and to each other.

    Thought I'd share my approach to placing figures in an environment, which I use a lot in wider shots that establish the location of a given scene and the spatial relationships of the characters to it, and to each other.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    "Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton is is both incredibly funny and... a fabulous example of how to keep pen and paper action sequences just as dynamic as they are on a moving screen." From this @Polygon's comics spotlight (by @NerdGerhl):

    "Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton is is both incredibly funny and... a fabulous example of how to keep pen and paper action sequences just as dynamic as they are on a moving screen."

From this @Polygon's comics spotlight (by @NerdGerhl):
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    6 SIDEKICKS OF TRIGGER KEATON #3 just went to press. Ain't that a kick!

    6 SIDEKICKS OF TRIGGER KEATON #3 just went to press. Ain't that a kick!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I'm trying to figure out a fertility monster that an old cult in the deep Smokies would've worshipped, and I'm reckoning on which here design is creepiest. I like antlers because they can be independently present as iconography, but it might be scarier without? Let's vote! 1/2

    I'm trying to figure out a fertility monster that an old cult in the deep Smokies would've worshipped, and I'm reckoning on which here design is creepiest.
I like antlers because they can be independently present as iconography, but it might be scarier without? Let's vote! 1/2

