Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    It being Easter reminded me that I need to get on the ball re: Christmas. I'd gotten hung up on penciling these complex-for-me spiral staircases for the workshop playset, but tried again today (months later) I feel pretty good about 'em!

    It being Easter reminded me that I need to get on the ball re: Christmas. I'd gotten hung up on penciling these complex-for-me spiral staircases for the workshop playset, but tried again today (months later) I feel pretty good about 'em!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Rancor commission (from 1983's RETURN OF THE JEDI), with bonus sad human keeper Malakili.

    Rancor commission (from 1983's RETURN OF THE JEDI), with bonus sad human keeper Malakili.
    Rancor commission (from 1983's RETURN OF THE JEDI), with bonus sad human keeper Malakili.
    Rancor commission (from 1983's RETURN OF THE JEDI), with bonus sad human keeper Malakili.
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Took me a few pages to get there but now that I'm deep in the swordfightin' pencils, I'm in hog heaven

    Took me a few pages to get there but now that I'm deep in the swordfightin' pencils, I'm in hog heaven
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Pluggin' away on swordfight pencils. Reckon that if my characters have armor as part of their design then it best be incorporated into the fights, right?

    Pluggin' away on swordfight pencils. Reckon that if my characters have armor as part of their design then it best be incorporated into the fights, right?
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    My current comic feels like it'd serve the audience best if they could read/know what my characters are thinking, but I'm not completely happy with any of the formal options. What's most accessible? What's best aesthetically? What're youngsters most familiar with?

    My current comic feels like it'd serve the audience best if they could read/know what my characters are thinking, but I'm not completely happy with any of the formal options.
What's most accessible? What's best aesthetically? What're youngsters most familiar with?

