Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    Glad I reworked the drawings for these two; I like these a lot more than I did the earlier pass. Painted finals and stories for both coming later this afternoon!

    Glad I reworked the drawings for these two; I like these a lot more than I did the earlier pass. Painted finals and stories for both coming later this afternoon!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I got an ipad so that i can work not-at-the-desk sometimes (I've gotten to the point where I almost exclusively do my pencils digitally, so to do anything other than fool around I needed something screeny). First sketch on it that I'm pretty happy with (about ten sketches in):

    I got an ipad so that i can work not-at-the-desk sometimes (I've gotten to the point where I almost exclusively do my pencils digitally, so to do anything other than fool around I needed something screeny).
First sketch on it that I'm pretty happy with (about ten sketches in):
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    This popped up on my FB memories from 8 years back, and it still holds true: "Thumbing/penciling a page, and as I was drawing it I remembered that in comics, NOT seeing the moment of action but instead having to deduce what action occurred is often much funnier."

    This popped up on my FB memories from 8 years back, and it still holds true:

"Thumbing/penciling a page, and as I was drawing it I remembered that in comics, NOT seeing the moment of action but instead having to deduce what action occurred is often much funnier."
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    I worry that a book will suffer if I can't give it undivided attention, but I did plenty of books while holding a day job, on top of other obligations. I can carve time again. In the 3 hours I've worked (started yesterday), I've written/roughed three pages. Up to 53 now (of 250)!

    I worry that a book will suffer if I can't give it undivided attention, but I did plenty of books while holding a day job, on top of other obligations. I can carve time again.
In the 3 hours I've worked (started yesterday), I've written/roughed three pages. Up to 53 now (of 250)!
    Chris Schweizer@schweizercomics

    A quick thread comparing the ages of the characters in Alexander Dumas's THE THREE MUSKETEERS and the ages of the actors playing them in adaptations: 1/

    A quick thread comparing the ages of the characters in Alexander Dumas's THE THREE MUSKETEERS and the ages of the actors playing them in adaptations: 1/

