The Spells of Professor Firebolt: 23 - Dreams Even wizards need to organize their thoughts.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt:
23 -  Dreams
Even wizards need to organize their thoughts.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt: 24 - Meteor The first iteration of the firebolt was not elegant enough to be her signature spell so it went through a name change.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt:
24 -  Meteor
The first iteration of the firebolt was not elegant enough to be her signature spell so it went through a name change.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt: 25 - Compass For anyone needing a little help to find their way.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt:
25 -  Compass
For anyone needing a little help to find their way.

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt: 26 - Camouflage Nothing to see...

    The Spells of Professor Firebolt:
26 -  Camouflage
Nothing to see...

    As is our tradition, we'll be playing a RPG for New Year's Eve. What's different is that for the first time, will be playing online with these characters. I've been working on maps and tokens for most of the week, so I hope everything goes well!

    As is our tradition, we'll be playing a RPG for New Year's Eve.
What's different is that for the first time, will be playing online with these characters. I've been working on maps and tokens for most of the week, so I hope everything goes well!


