Brain A & B sheets. Not a lot of fussing on this one, as I was given a pretty clear target from . Vaguely recall needing to figure out where missiles would come from after some last min board revisions
Had a fun time doing a bit of card art for @blackbirdsrpg/@AMUTTRPGS last year. Art direction by the incomparable @HNNHHHN and @metalmaryo
Leslie Willis/Livewire previsWhat I thought might be fun for an pared down techxoskeleton or insulated suit.#MyAdventuresWithSuperman
Brain A & B sheets. Not a lot of fussing on this one, as I was given a pretty clear target from . Vaguely recall needing to figure out where missiles would come from after some last min board revisions
Omacs, based on Brendan Clogher's initial sketch, for e06 of #MyAdventuresWithSuperman. I mistakenly thought they were also Cadmus tech on first script read, hence the first round with some beige in the mix
s01e10! #MyAdventuresWithSuperman finale! Kryptonian fleet dev, including what would become the capital ship. Early stuff searching for escape pod looks, which then got scaled. One of the few designs that had a proper slow burn up 'til we worked on last two eps.