@Sketchbuck Aah these pieces are beautiful!! I love your style so much, both your traditional and digital work is instantly recognisable! Plus gotta love those teeth <3 I really need to draw more wolves, but here's a few I've done over the years!

    @Sketchbuck Aah these pieces are beautiful!! I love your style so much, both your traditional and digital work is instantly recognisable! Plus gotta love those teeth <3

I really need to draw more wolves, but here's a few I've done over the years!
    @Sketchbuck Aah these pieces are beautiful!! I love your style so much, both your traditional and digital work is instantly recognisable! Plus gotta love those teeth <3

I really need to draw more wolves, but here's a few I've done over the years!
    @Sketchbuck Aah these pieces are beautiful!! I love your style so much, both your traditional and digital work is instantly recognisable! Plus gotta love those teeth <3

I really need to draw more wolves, but here's a few I've done over the years!

    Here's another one that shows a bit more of the sketch stage after the rough thumbnail! A lot of my work starts off super messy like this just to get the original idea down first, and then I refine everything as I go.

    Here's another one that shows a bit more of the sketch stage after the rough thumbnail! A lot of my work starts off super messy like this just to get the original idea down first, and then I refine everything as I go.
    Here's another one that shows a bit more of the sketch stage after the rough thumbnail! A lot of my work starts off super messy like this just to get the original idea down first, and then I refine everything as I go.
    Here's another one that shows a bit more of the sketch stage after the rough thumbnail! A lot of my work starts off super messy like this just to get the original idea down first, and then I refine everything as I go.

    Also sometimes I use traditional media, so here's some birds drawn with ink! #FlockOfArtists

    Also sometimes I use traditional media, so here's some birds drawn with ink!

    Also sometimes I use traditional media, so here's some birds drawn with ink!

    Also sometimes I use traditional media, so here's some birds drawn with ink!


    The Art Bazaar for NFC is open! Check out my virtual table for 10% off everything in my etsy shop ✨ https://t.co/eZvNC7v6me

    The Art Bazaar for NFC is open! 
Check out my virtual table for 10% off everything in my etsy shop ✨ https://t.co/eZvNC7v6me

    I'll be opening up for commissions again very soon! Patrons will get early access for slots in July, and I'll be open again for everyone else around Sept onwards depending on how many requests I get!

    I'll be opening up for commissions again very soon! Patrons will get early access for slots in July, and I'll be open again for everyone else around Sept onwards depending on how many requests I get!



🐍 morteraphan 🩸@morteraphan