
    "My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today." we fought many months... but today the black rabbit released my friend from his pain. I will miss you my dear grumpy big guy. ( I will be offline for a few days)

    "My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today."
we fought many months... but today the black rabbit released my friend from his pain.
I will miss you my dear grumpy big guy.
( I will be offline for a few days)

    Thanks everyone for the condolences here. I had a few days offline and I'm starting to go back and reply to people. Grief needs time to heal and it was good I took the time. For a long time I had a "refsheet"with the bunnies in mind that I never drew so I finally did.

    Thanks everyone for the condolences here. I had a few days offline and I'm starting to go back and reply to people. 
Grief needs time to heal and it was good I took the time. For a long time I had a "refsheet"with the bunnies in mind that I never drew so I finally did.
    Thanks everyone for the condolences here. I had a few days offline and I'm starting to go back and reply to people. 
Grief needs time to heal and it was good I took the time. For a long time I had a "refsheet"with the bunnies in mind that I never drew so I finally did.
    Thanks everyone for the condolences here. I had a few days offline and I'm starting to go back and reply to people. 
Grief needs time to heal and it was good I took the time. For a long time I had a "refsheet"with the bunnies in mind that I never drew so I finally did.

    Hey people. I started a bullet journal last month and since my october overview turned out nice I thought I made it up for grasp for a little tip if anyone needs. Have a great spooky one ;D Buy October Owerview 2020 on @Gumroad https://t.co/ujywPLi3Ub

    Hey people. I started a bullet journal last month and since my october overview turned out nice I thought I made it up for grasp for a little tip if anyone needs. Have a great spooky one ;D
Buy October Owerview 2020 on @Gumroad https://t.co/ujywPLi3Ub

    Oh no! Tiny fox fell into the beer

    Oh no! Tiny fox fell into the beer

    You! Yes you! You rock! You are all so awesome for your support here! Thank you for letting me reach 6K! As promised I will prepare a raffle! 6k Thanks to you!

    You! Yes you!
You rock! You are all so awesome for your support here!
Thank you for letting me reach 6K!
As promised I will prepare a raffle!
6k Thanks to you!



Reo loves you@reoisready