More color and lighting I did for spidervers~ #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse
Portal illustration and design~ The bottom shows my rough concept of how the portal appears and fade out. #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse
Another romantic moment between the two~ Don't worry about her hair defying the laws of physics 😛
Another style test for Gwen~ #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse
Gwen colors~ #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse
There was lots of fast action sequence in the movie, but I love painting these still moment with softer lighting~ #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse
found a few more paintings from this sequence~ #SpiderVerse #AcrossTheSpiderVerse
Action inside the Guggenheim museum. #AcrossTheSpiderVerse #SpiderVerse