Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    WASTED SPACE #3 is out today!!! It's got my favorite trio of spacefaring adventurers getting deeper and deeper into a galactic shit storm! Man, love this book to death

    WASTED SPACE #3 is out today!!! It's got my favorite trio of spacefaring adventurers getting deeper and deeper into a galactic shit storm! Man, love this book to death
    WASTED SPACE #3 is out today!!! It's got my favorite trio of spacefaring adventurers getting deeper and deeper into a galactic shit storm! Man, love this book to death
    WASTED SPACE #3 is out today!!! It's got my favorite trio of spacefaring adventurers getting deeper and deeper into a galactic shit storm! Man, love this book to death
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    Inked pages from today's WASTED SPACE #3!

    Inked pages from today's WASTED SPACE #3!
    Inked pages from today's WASTED SPACE #3!
    Inked pages from today's WASTED SPACE #3!
    Inked pages from today's WASTED SPACE #3!
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    @DenysCowan appreciation post, because damn. I read this issue last night and so many of these pages are still on my mind. (From Batman #598)

    @DenysCowan appreciation post, because damn. I read this issue last night and so many of these pages are still on my mind.

(From Batman #598)
    @DenysCowan appreciation post, because damn. I read this issue last night and so many of these pages are still on my mind.

(From Batman #598)
    @DenysCowan appreciation post, because damn. I read this issue last night and so many of these pages are still on my mind.

(From Batman #598)
    @DenysCowan appreciation post, because damn. I read this issue last night and so many of these pages are still on my mind.

(From Batman #598)
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined


    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    Sneak peak at @rycady and I's upcoming OLD MAN PUNISHER story for September's OLD MAN LOGAN ANNUAL #1! This is my second time getting to draw Punisher for Marvel, and I'm really happy we get to bring in more of the classic gear. Excited to show more!

    Sneak peak at @rycady and I's upcoming OLD MAN PUNISHER story for September's OLD MAN LOGAN ANNUAL #1!

This is my second time getting to draw Punisher for Marvel, and I'm really happy we get to bring in more of the classic gear. Excited to show more!

