Sara Alfageeh@SaraAlfageeh

    "An engaging graphic novel that examines the nature of prejudice and cost of imperial expansion." -- Kirkus Reviews

    "An engaging graphic novel that examines the 
nature of prejudice and cost of imperial expansion." 
-- Kirkus Reviews
    Sara Alfageeh@SaraAlfageeh

    "I would have been meaner to the bad guy" - a 9 year old at my last signing

    "I would have been meaner to the bad guy" - a 9 year old at my last signing
    Sara Alfageeh@SaraAlfageeh

    "I never thought you would finish drawing that book" -- my mother

    "I never thought you would finish drawing that book" --  my mother
    Sara Alfageeh@SaraAlfageeh

    "Haha. Yeah." - @Nadia_Shammas_ after I pitched her a joke while we were working on the script

    "Haha. Yeah." - @Nadia_Shammas_ after I pitched her a joke while we were working on the script
    Sara Alfageeh@SaraAlfageeh

    From yesterday's live drawing sessions at the Cartoonarium at @MassMICE! Thanks to everyone who came out and joined the conversation!

    From yesterday's live drawing sessions at the Cartoonarium at @MassMICE! Thanks to everyone who came out and joined the conversation!
    From yesterday's live drawing sessions at the Cartoonarium at @MassMICE! Thanks to everyone who came out and joined the conversation!
    From yesterday's live drawing sessions at the Cartoonarium at @MassMICE! Thanks to everyone who came out and joined the conversation!


David DePasquale 🐯@wolfinsheeps