Popping on here before I leave again to say I've read Fujimoto's one shot `LOOK BACK' and that I loved it and that I DID cry multiple times and that I can't wait to read it over and over again. What a way to spend a hiatus with a 142 page manga haha

    Popping on here before I leave again to say I've read Fujimoto's one shot `LOOK BACK' and that I loved it and that I DID cry multiple times and that I can't wait to read it over and over again.

What a way to spend a hiatus with a 142 page manga haha

    Read `My Broken Mariko' last night, bawled my eyes out, & then went back this morning to look at pages & panels again. I love each & every page, but I think the panels that stuck out to me the most are the ones where Shii is crying so hard that snot is everywhere b/c same girl.

    Read `My Broken Mariko' last night, bawled my eyes out, & then went back this morning to look at pages & panels again.

I love each & every page, but I think the panels that stuck out to me the most are the ones where Shii is crying so hard that snot is everywhere b/c same girl.
    Read `My Broken Mariko' last night, bawled my eyes out, & then went back this morning to look at pages & panels again.

I love each & every page, but I think the panels that stuck out to me the most are the ones where Shii is crying so hard that snot is everywhere b/c same girl.
    Read `My Broken Mariko' last night, bawled my eyes out, & then went back this morning to look at pages & panels again.

I love each & every page, but I think the panels that stuck out to me the most are the ones where Shii is crying so hard that snot is everywhere b/c same girl.

    I'm dropping in to say this page from `My Broken Mariko' has been seared into my mind for the past 3 days??? Like I wake up and go about my day THINKING about this scene. The raw emotion in this book just…GAH!

    I'm dropping in to say this page from `My Broken Mariko' has been seared into my mind for the past 3 days??? Like I wake up and go about my day THINKING about this scene.

The raw emotion in this book just…GAH!

    I love Cross Game…SO freakin much.

    I love Cross Game…SO freakin much.

    Best believe I've still been sketching away!

    Best believe I've still been sketching away!
    Best believe I've still been sketching away!


