Pablo Leon@ArtsyPabster

    I never watched "Robots", which is a shame cause looking through the book, this aesthetic is very much 2017 me

    I never watched "Robots", which is a shame cause looking through the book, this aesthetic is very much 2017 me
    I never watched "Robots", which is a shame cause looking through the book, this aesthetic is very much 2017 me
    I never watched "Robots", which is a shame cause looking through the book, this aesthetic is very much 2017 me
    I never watched "Robots", which is a shame cause looking through the book, this aesthetic is very much 2017 me
    Pablo Leon@ArtsyPabster

    @Jeff_Delgado This Preacher comic panel gets a lot of mileage every time these assholes pop up

    @Jeff_Delgado This Preacher comic panel gets a lot of mileage every time these assholes pop up
    Pablo Leon@ArtsyPabster

    @hackedmotionart he's outgrown them and is out to "get em all Marvel females" with his chest out and bling! he's certainly different. And Ganke is um, different too

    @hackedmotionart he's outgrown them and is out to "get em all Marvel females" with his chest out and bling! he's certainly different. And Ganke is um, different too
    @hackedmotionart he's outgrown them and is out to "get em all Marvel females" with his chest out and bling! he's certainly different. And Ganke is um, different too
    Pablo Leon@ArtsyPabster

    I dont know if we'll ever get another season of Dragon Ball Super, but the manga has been doing this thing where Vegeta leveled up and trying to save [new] Namek. Full circle redemption *chef's kiss* (debating on the part where Goku gets credit for this and NOT Bulma but w/e)

    I dont know if we'll ever get another season of Dragon Ball Super, but the manga has been doing this thing where Vegeta leveled up and trying to save [new] Namek. Full circle redemption *chef's kiss* 
(debating on the part where Goku gets credit for this and NOT Bulma but w/e)
    Pablo Leon@ArtsyPabster

    Hot damn this was great?! Look at this stuff. Art.

    Hot damn this was great?! Look at this stuff. Art.
    Hot damn this was great?! Look at this stuff. Art.
    Hot damn this was great?! Look at this stuff. Art.
    Hot damn this was great?! Look at this stuff. Art.