Ferdinand leading a life of wandering is an idea I love so much?

    Ferdinand leading a life of wandering is an idea I love so much?
    Ferdinand leading a life of wandering is an idea I love so much?

    alone again

    alone again
    alone again
    alone again
    alone again

    #HubertWeek2020 Day 4: Repression #edelbert This references their retirement end

    #HubertWeek2020 Day 4: Repression
#edelbert This references their retirement end
    #HubertWeek2020 Day 4: Repression
#edelbert This references their retirement end

    #samecharacter Tanaka I'm surprised and kinda happy that it's all over the place because I really loved experimenting with him as a subject a lot. I like drawing him all ? [Ajin]

    #samecharacter Tanaka
I'm surprised and kinda happy that it's all over the place because I really loved experimenting with him as a subject a lot. I like drawing him all ? [Ajin]
    #samecharacter Tanaka
I'm surprised and kinda happy that it's all over the place because I really loved experimenting with him as a subject a lot. I like drawing him all ? [Ajin]

    Happy Halloween @LarvaScriptet! You asked for something bittersweet with the theme of Monsters. I chose to do it in a more metaphorical way. Takes place after the Silver Snow route where they both succeeded and Edelgard is stressed out. #EdelbertTrickOrTreat #edelbert [fe3h]

    Happy Halloween @LarvaScriptet! You asked for something bittersweet with the theme of Monsters. I chose to do it in a more metaphorical way. Takes place after the Silver Snow route where they both succeeded and Edelgard is stressed out. #EdelbertTrickOrTreat #edelbert [fe3h]
    Happy Halloween @LarvaScriptet! You asked for something bittersweet with the theme of Monsters. I chose to do it in a more metaphorical way. Takes place after the Silver Snow route where they both succeeded and Edelgard is stressed out. #EdelbertTrickOrTreat #edelbert [fe3h]
    Happy Halloween @LarvaScriptet! You asked for something bittersweet with the theme of Monsters. I chose to do it in a more metaphorical way. Takes place after the Silver Snow route where they both succeeded and Edelgard is stressed out. #EdelbertTrickOrTreat #edelbert [fe3h]