experimenting with using thresholds to expand my options for coloring pages had my second vaccine dose recently and it's had me all messed up but wanting to get back to work soon

    experimenting with using thresholds to expand my options for coloring pages

had my second vaccine dose recently and it's had me all messed up but wanting to get back to work soon



    Our dragon is undead! Quote retweet 🔄 with a name for this beast and I'll pick my favorite, maybe we'll start our own little bestiary with future polls Thank you everyone who participated in the Twitter polls! This was a lot of fun to do

    Our dragon is undead! Quote retweet 🔄 with a name for this beast and I'll pick my favorite, maybe we'll start our own little bestiary with future polls

Thank you everyone who participated in the Twitter polls! This was a lot of fun to do

    We're creating a hero for our Bestiary! Vote on their physique below ⬇️

    We're creating a hero for our Bestiary! Vote on their physique below ⬇️

    📜 Our hero's summons are the eagle Decorus and the warthog Würth. Thank you @bold_brash and @Apeblades for the suggestions. We still don't have a name for our alchemist gal though! 🔁 Quote retweet your suggestions and we'll do a poll with my favorites.

    📜 Our hero's summons are the eagle Decorus and the warthog Würth. Thank you @bold_brash and @Apeblades for the suggestions.

We still don't have a name for our alchemist gal though! 🔁 Quote retweet your suggestions and we'll do a poll with my favorites.

