dandy 🥦🏝@IonicIsaac

    been a bit quiet here art-wise but i've been tossing a lotta sketch and wip stuff over on my alt @qugre if any mutuals wanna see that and also maybe a picture of my cat (i also make all of my text posts there lol)

    been a bit quiet here art-wise but i've been tossing a lotta sketch and wip stuff over on my alt @qugre if any mutuals wanna see that and also maybe a picture of my cat (i also make all of my text posts there lol)
    dandy 🥦🏝@IonicIsaac

    made in sai (and put thru an online gif generator)... dont be like me it is. entirely ineffective LOL..

    made in sai (and put thru an online gif generator)... dont be like me
it is. entirely ineffective LOL..
    dandy 🥦🏝@IonicIsaac

    dandy 🥦🏝@IonicIsaac

    another fightgame character idea! his name is bjerg and he uses his ice breath and brass knuckle mic + living boombox for attacks. he can also grow more arms out of his arms also some rough sketches in paint with mouse, i did this rougher stuff during lectures lol

    another fightgame character idea! his name is bjerg and he uses his ice breath and brass knuckle mic + living boombox for attacks. he can also grow more arms out of his arms
also some rough sketches in paint with mouse, i did this rougher stuff during lectures lol
    another fightgame character idea! his name is bjerg and he uses his ice breath and brass knuckle mic + living boombox for attacks. he can also grow more arms out of his arms
also some rough sketches in paint with mouse, i did this rougher stuff during lectures lol
    another fightgame character idea! his name is bjerg and he uses his ice breath and brass knuckle mic + living boombox for attacks. he can also grow more arms out of his arms
also some rough sketches in paint with mouse, i did this rougher stuff during lectures lol
    another fightgame character idea! his name is bjerg and he uses his ice breath and brass knuckle mic + living boombox for attacks. he can also grow more arms out of his arms
also some rough sketches in paint with mouse, i did this rougher stuff during lectures lol
    dandy 🥦🏝@IonicIsaac

    annnd another fightgame character! her name is Satie, and she's like a vocaloid sorta idol girl made of light. her little planetoid's name is Mima, and they attack together! (+ms paint rough sketches)

    annnd another fightgame character! her name is Satie, and she's like a vocaloid sorta idol girl made of light. her little planetoid's name is Mima, and they attack together!
(+ms paint rough sketches)
    annnd another fightgame character! her name is Satie, and she's like a vocaloid sorta idol girl made of light. her little planetoid's name is Mima, and they attack together!
(+ms paint rough sketches)
    annnd another fightgame character! her name is Satie, and she's like a vocaloid sorta idol girl made of light. her little planetoid's name is Mima, and they attack together!
(+ms paint rough sketches)
    annnd another fightgame character! her name is Satie, and she's like a vocaloid sorta idol girl made of light. her little planetoid's name is Mima, and they attack together!
(+ms paint rough sketches)

