Shit howdy!@Drudenkreuz

    I was really hoping that the new dragon age game would show dA3's reversal to elves not having a unique profile as a style choice or limitation of the new engine's customization but i guess dA2 was the black sheep v_v

    I was really hoping that the new dragon age game would show dA3's reversal to elves not having a unique profile as a style choice or limitation of the new engine's customization but i guess dA2 was the black sheep v_v
    Shit howdy!@Drudenkreuz

    actually seeing a vulpine in the wild

    actually seeing a vulpine in the wild
    Shit howdy!@Drudenkreuz

    @vephriel @keyboardturn @TINYANGRYWOMAN

    @vephriel @keyboardturn @TINYANGRYWOMAN
    Shit howdy!@Drudenkreuz

    self portrait: shaving with myopia

    self portrait: shaving with myopia
    Shit howdy!@Drudenkreuz

    death knights huh

    death knights huh