🌱 MK/RET@retquits

    hi twitter today my cat destroyed me with one single movement

    hi twitter today my cat destroyed me with one single movement
    🌱 MK/RET@retquits

    disaster lesbian Gets-Nervous-Asking-Her-Wife-To-Dance farmer amelie #StardewValley

    disaster lesbian Gets-Nervous-Asking-Her-Wife-To-Dance farmer amelie
    disaster lesbian Gets-Nervous-Asking-Her-Wife-To-Dance farmer amelie
    disaster lesbian Gets-Nervous-Asking-Her-Wife-To-Dance farmer amelie
    disaster lesbian Gets-Nervous-Asking-Her-Wife-To-Dance farmer amelie
    🌱 MK/RET@retquits

    all of my favourite ship dynamics either boil down to Someone Gets Flustered, or Bad Buddy Cop Movie

    all of my favourite ship dynamics either boil down to Someone Gets Flustered, or Bad Buddy Cop Movie
    all of my favourite ship dynamics either boil down to Someone Gets Flustered, or Bad Buddy Cop Movie
    all of my favourite ship dynamics either boil down to Someone Gets Flustered, or Bad Buddy Cop Movie
    all of my favourite ship dynamics either boil down to Someone Gets Flustered, or Bad Buddy Cop Movie
    🌱 MK/RET@retquits

    seems about right #FaceYourArt

    seems about right #FaceYourArt
    🌱 MK/RET@retquits

    oc sketches!!! >:) the day i draw peri with a shirt is the day i 100% give up

    oc sketches!!! >:) the day i draw peri with a shirt is the day i 100% give up