cat ren.tvpp@catharenn

    drew sum people over paint blobs

    drew sum people over paint blobs
    drew sum people over paint blobs
    drew sum people over paint blobs
    drew sum people over paint blobs
    cat ren.tvpp@catharenn

    only doodle for today xx

    only doodle for today xx
    cat ren.tvpp@catharenn

    these r from Back In The Day when i used to doodle during class

    these r from Back In The Day when i used to doodle during class
    these r from Back In The Day when i used to doodle during class
    these r from Back In The Day when i used to doodle during class
    cat ren.tvpp@catharenn

    -brushes 5 inches of dust off my tablet-

    -brushes 5 inches of dust off my tablet-
    cat ren.tvpp@catharenn

    @sakuga_ right is the default, left is what i use i just change around the size & transfer & spacing levels lol

    @sakuga_ right is the default, left is what i use i just change around the size & transfer & spacing levels lol
    @sakuga_ right is the default, left is what i use i just change around the size & transfer & spacing levels lol