Denizens still needs lots of big picture world building before it's ready to finish, but on a small scale damn do I love these two so much. Feeling nostalgic for my own characters tonight.

    Denizens still needs lots of big picture world building before it's ready to finish, but on a small scale damn do I love these two so much. 

Feeling nostalgic for my own characters tonight.
    Denizens still needs lots of big picture world building before it's ready to finish, but on a small scale damn do I love these two so much. 

Feeling nostalgic for my own characters tonight.
    Denizens still needs lots of big picture world building before it's ready to finish, but on a small scale damn do I love these two so much. 

Feeling nostalgic for my own characters tonight.
    Denizens still needs lots of big picture world building before it's ready to finish, but on a small scale damn do I love these two so much. 

Feeling nostalgic for my own characters tonight.

    Suddenly motivated to sketch some Junti.... threw some Atoija bits in for scale since that's where most of their dna is borrowed from.

    Suddenly motivated to sketch some Junti.... threw some Atoija bits in for scale since that's where most of their dna is borrowed from.

    Ok I'm weak. Sometimes self esteem boosts are nice too

    Ok I'm weak. Sometimes self esteem boosts are nice too

    anyways.... I've been getting lots of ideas to update old characters lately and its been really fun

    anyways.... I've been getting lots of ideas to update old characters lately and its been really fun

    "Denizens" is about a fantasy world where forces of nature birth animal embodiments when strong enough. Through iron and magic humans learned to bind them to "lanterns". Two girls find themselves in possession of a very powerful one and set out to find its land of origin

    "Denizens" is about a fantasy world where forces of nature birth animal embodiments when strong enough. Through iron and magic humans learned to bind them to "lanterns". Two girls find themselves in possession of a very powerful one and set out to find its land of origin
    "Denizens" is about a fantasy world where forces of nature birth animal embodiments when strong enough. Through iron and magic humans learned to bind them to "lanterns". Two girls find themselves in possession of a very powerful one and set out to find its land of origin
    "Denizens" is about a fantasy world where forces of nature birth animal embodiments when strong enough. Through iron and magic humans learned to bind them to "lanterns". Two girls find themselves in possession of a very powerful one and set out to find its land of origin
    "Denizens" is about a fantasy world where forces of nature birth animal embodiments when strong enough. Through iron and magic humans learned to bind them to "lanterns". Two girls find themselves in possession of a very powerful one and set out to find its land of origin


