とわ (Towa)@Towa27_Art

    Day 12 - Forget #inktober2022 #talesofsymphonia

    Day 12 - Forget
#inktober2022 #talesofsymphonia
    とわ (Towa)@Towa27_Art

    Inktober Day 7 - Drip Tales of Symphonia again... 'cause I can't resist- ❤️

    Inktober Day 7 - Drip
Tales of Symphonia again... 'cause I can't resist- ❤️
    とわ (Towa)@Towa27_Art

    Inktober Day 9 - Bounce Baten Kaitos... depiction of the great Greythorne assault led by the almighty Meemai-

    Inktober Day 9 - Bounce Baten Kaitos... depiction of the great Greythorne assault led by the almighty Meemai-
    とわ (Towa)@Towa27_Art

    Inktober Day 14 - Castle Scene from Pokemon Armor Project - Hop and his Pokemon seeing a castle for the first time 😮

    Inktober Day 14 - Castle
Scene from Pokemon Armor Project - Hop and his Pokemon seeing a castle for the first time 😮
    とわ (Towa)@Towa27_Art

    Inktober Day 17 - Demon Fire Emblem Three Houses - Byleth aka the Ashen Demon... I'm still not over her tights lol

    Inktober Day 17 - Demon
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Byleth aka the Ashen Demon... I'm still not over her tights lol