Clothing swap between Sam and Deadman I did for my friend's idea while we talked on discord

    Clothing swap between Sam and Deadman I did for my friend's idea while we talked on discord
    Clothing swap between Sam and Deadman I did for my friend's idea while we talked on discord
    Clothing swap between Sam and Deadman I did for my friend's idea while we talked on discord
    Clothing swap between Sam and Deadman I did for my friend's idea while we talked on discord

    Deadsam art I did for a cute idea I got from an ask on Tumblr

    Deadsam art I did for a cute idea I got from an ask on Tumblr

    WIP gonna create a petition to change his name to Cuteman

gonna create a petition to change his name to Cuteman

    Torso studies I did on this weekend group study with my dear friends @majibomber @pyrae_s @CatiorroTernoBR

    Torso studies I did on this weekend group study with my dear friends @majibomber @pyrae_s @CatiorroTernoBR

    More drawings based on my friend's Deadsam greek mythology AU. More Satyr!Deadman because he makes me go feral plus Deadman's size difference compared to Sam, who is a human.

    More drawings based on my friend's Deadsam greek mythology AU. More Satyr!Deadman because he makes me go feral plus Deadman's size difference compared to Sam, who is a human.
    More drawings based on my friend's Deadsam greek mythology AU. More Satyr!Deadman because he makes me go feral plus Deadman's size difference compared to Sam, who is a human.