Cassandra Jean@CassandraJP

    Why helloooo 🤍

    Why helloooo 🤍
    Cassandra Jean@CassandraJP

    Things are getting rough for the puppy and kitty! Its the beginning of the month so a good time to sub!

    Things are getting rough for the puppy and kitty! Its the beginning of the month so a good time to sub!
    Cassandra Jean@CassandraJP

    A little late night drawing

    A little late night drawing
    Cassandra Jean@CassandraJP

    I struggled with the worst art block of my life in 2021. I still am overcoming it. But I feel like I still managed to get a fair amount done! Not as much as I can usually produce but I did my very best 💦 2022 is a new year and I am looking forward to it!

    I struggled with the worst art block of my life in 2021. I still am overcoming it. But I feel like I still managed to get a fair amount done! Not as much as I can usually produce but I did my very best 💦
2022 is a new year and I am looking forward to it!
    I struggled with the worst art block of my life in 2021. I still am overcoming it. But I feel like I still managed to get a fair amount done! Not as much as I can usually produce but I did my very best 💦
2022 is a new year and I am looking forward to it!
    I struggled with the worst art block of my life in 2021. I still am overcoming it. But I feel like I still managed to get a fair amount done! Not as much as I can usually produce but I did my very best 💦
2022 is a new year and I am looking forward to it!
    I struggled with the worst art block of my life in 2021. I still am overcoming it. But I feel like I still managed to get a fair amount done! Not as much as I can usually produce but I did my very best 💦
2022 is a new year and I am looking forward to it!
    Cassandra Jean@CassandraJP

    Working on a Radz-at-Han drawing. Getting a drink after shopping 🍷 #FFXIVART

    Working on a Radz-at-Han drawing. Getting a drink after shopping 🍷