Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    @ThatGuyBwarch @thalasseusberg1 haha to be fair it doesn't seem super consistent

    @ThatGuyBwarch @thalasseusberg1 haha to be fair it doesn't seem super consistent
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    my favorite kind of concept art is the kind done by game devs who can't draw

    my favorite kind of concept art is the kind done by game devs who can't draw
    my favorite kind of concept art is the kind done by game devs who can't draw
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    haha oops

    haha oops
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    me 5 seconds after seeing wicked for the first time

    me 5 seconds after seeing wicked for the first time
    Lee Paisley@karpetshark

    as of yesterday i've sold my soul to the owl to learn japanese.... (and maybe a little spanish too because that's, you know, useful)

    as of yesterday i've sold my soul to the owl to learn japanese.... (and maybe a little spanish too because that's, you know, useful)