em ☀️@emcorm

    he'll be in good company for his birthday this year #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ生誕祭2016

    he'll be in good company for his birthday this year #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ生誕祭2016
    he'll be in good company for his birthday this year #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ生誕祭2016
    he'll be in good company for his birthday this year #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ生誕祭2016
    he'll be in good company for his birthday this year #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ生誕祭2016
    em ☀️@emcorm

    wip of another birthday thing (again)???

    wip of another birthday thing (again)???
    em ☀️@emcorm

    yuuri joining the russian skate fam

    yuuri joining the russian skate fam
    yuuri joining the russian skate fam
    yuuri joining the russian skate fam
    em ☀️@emcorm

    @ammejaa !!!!!

    @ammejaa !!!!!
    @ammejaa !!!!!
    em ☀️@emcorm

    sticker wips??? i'm not sure where I'm going with these

    sticker wips??? i'm not sure where I'm going with these
    sticker wips??? i'm not sure where I'm going with these
    sticker wips??? i'm not sure where I'm going with these