Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    some inks from the past i did, still like em

    some inks from the past i did, still like em
    some inks from the past i did, still like em
    some inks from the past i did, still like em
    some inks from the past i did, still like em
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    before Steve Lichman, there was Insecure Warrior, I did this in 2013 for fun and it kinda kicked me into making comics after this, Dan and I would throw around ideas and we eventually just landed on Steve

    before Steve Lichman, there was Insecure Warrior, I did this in 2013 for fun and it kinda kicked me into making comics

after this, Dan and I would throw around ideas and we eventually just landed on Steve
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    and of course stuff like this, basically just a bunch of one off stuff

    and of course stuff like this, basically just a bunch of one off stuff
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    my wife is texting me her artwork while on break, this is "cobra nurse" and "nunchucks gorilla on a motorcycle"

    my wife is texting me her artwork while on break, this is "cobra nurse" and "nunchucks gorilla on a motorcycle"
    my wife is texting me her artwork while on break, this is "cobra nurse" and "nunchucks gorilla on a motorcycle"
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    whenever you need accurate reference of military vehicles, I find illustrations like these much easier to understand for drawing your own than photographs of the vehicles as they detail out just about everything. there's model artwork for just about any vehicle you need

    whenever you need accurate reference of military vehicles, I find illustrations like these much easier to understand for drawing your own than photographs of the vehicles as they detail out just about everything. there's model artwork for just about any vehicle you need
    whenever you need accurate reference of military vehicles, I find illustrations like these much easier to understand for drawing your own than photographs of the vehicles as they detail out just about everything. there's model artwork for just about any vehicle you need
    whenever you need accurate reference of military vehicles, I find illustrations like these much easier to understand for drawing your own than photographs of the vehicles as they detail out just about everything. there's model artwork for just about any vehicle you need
    whenever you need accurate reference of military vehicles, I find illustrations like these much easier to understand for drawing your own than photographs of the vehicles as they detail out just about everything. there's model artwork for just about any vehicle you need