Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    the bloodborne comic got across the same point with almost no words - I'm impressed

    the bloodborne comic got across the same point with almost no words - I'm impressed
    the bloodborne comic got across the same point with almost no words - I'm impressed
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    you should buy Ultramega

    you should buy Ultramega
    you should buy Ultramega
    you should buy Ultramega
    you should buy Ultramega
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    one of the most important moments in comics history

    one of the most important moments in comics history
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    loved Miura's work, even did a Garfield parody of Berserk for Unacceptable Manga

    loved Miura's work, even did a Garfield parody of Berserk for Unacceptable Manga
    loved Miura's work, even did a Garfield parody of Berserk for Unacceptable Manga
    Dave Rapoza@DaveRapoza

    Ricotta in the Shell

    Ricotta in the Shell