
    I have never played a Resident Evil

    I have never played a Resident Evil
    I have never played a Resident Evil
    I have never played a Resident Evil
    I have never played a Resident Evil

    the thumbnail the panel

    the thumbnail                           the panel
    the thumbnail                           the panel

    I'm making the next chapter of Vainglorious atm and thinking about how once you take thumbs, redrafts, sketches, edits, and inks into account, I'm usually drawing each page 3-6 separate times before I can call it Done - not even counting scrapped scenes, or last minute changes

    I'm making the next chapter of Vainglorious atm and thinking about how once you take thumbs, redrafts, sketches, edits, and inks into account, I'm usually drawing each page 3-6 separate times before I can call it Done - not even counting scrapped scenes, or last minute changes
    I'm making the next chapter of Vainglorious atm and thinking about how once you take thumbs, redrafts, sketches, edits, and inks into account, I'm usually drawing each page 3-6 separate times before I can call it Done - not even counting scrapped scenes, or last minute changes
    I'm making the next chapter of Vainglorious atm and thinking about how once you take thumbs, redrafts, sketches, edits, and inks into account, I'm usually drawing each page 3-6 separate times before I can call it Done - not even counting scrapped scenes, or last minute changes
    I'm making the next chapter of Vainglorious atm and thinking about how once you take thumbs, redrafts, sketches, edits, and inks into account, I'm usually drawing each page 3-6 separate times before I can call it Done - not even counting scrapped scenes, or last minute changes

    Luckily for me, once I start drawing it's usually straightforward from there. I've only completely redrawn a panel once (left: original; right: final panel) but that was bc I didn't want the readers' minds to wander away from the character's current location

    Luckily for me, once I start drawing it's usually straightforward from there. I've only completely redrawn a panel once (left: original; right: final panel) but that was bc I didn't want the readers' minds to wander away from the character's current location
    Luckily for me, once I start drawing it's usually straightforward from there. I've only completely redrawn a panel once (left: original; right: final panel) but that was bc I didn't want the readers' minds to wander away from the character's current location

    a necessary intermission comic

    a necessary intermission comic
    a necessary intermission comic
    a necessary intermission comic
    a necessary intermission comic