Here are some sketches of the process of trying to nail down the design for the dagger featured on the cover. It had to interlock and work as two separate blades, such a fun challenge to work on!

    Here are some sketches of the process of trying to nail down the design for the dagger featured on the cover. It had to interlock and work as two separate blades, such a fun challenge to work on!

    11am - 2pm #hourlycomicday

    11am - 2pm #hourlycomicday

    3pm - 6pm #hourlycomicday

    3pm - 6pm #hourlycomicday

    7pm - 10pm #hourlycomicday

    7pm - 10pm #hourlycomicday

    And here are all my hours documented, 7am - 10pm! It was so much fun taking part in #hourlycomicday for the first time, gonna go catch up on reading everyone else's now ✨

    And here are all my hours documented, 7am - 10pm! It was so much fun taking part in #hourlycomicday for the first time, gonna go catch up on reading everyone else's now ✨

