it's green!@eyes_nt

    -scrambling- oh fuck i have to draw rrestaurant au -flailing pen wildly-

    -scrambling- oh fuck i have to draw rrestaurant au -flailing pen wildly-
    -scrambling- oh fuck i have to draw rrestaurant au -flailing pen wildly-
    it's green!@eyes_nt

    i have to go to. bed

    i have to go to. bed
    i have to go to. bed
    it's green!@eyes_nt

    it's green!@eyes_nt

    ah fuck im sonic posting on main. i didn't think it would come to this

    ah fuck im sonic posting on main. i didn't think it would come to this
    ah fuck im sonic posting on main. i didn't think it would come to this
    it's green!@eyes_nt

    he just wants some nice siblings

    he just wants some nice siblings