Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    I want them to be friends.... (last friday post for today i swear askdlj-) #FridayThe13th #Friday13th #JasonVoorhees #halloween2019

    I want them to be friends....
(last friday post for today i swear askdlj-)
#FridayThe13th #Friday13th #JasonVoorhees #halloween2019
    I want them to be friends....
(last friday post for today i swear askdlj-)
#FridayThe13th #Friday13th #JasonVoorhees #halloween2019
    I want them to be friends....
(last friday post for today i swear askdlj-)
#FridayThe13th #Friday13th #JasonVoorhees #halloween2019
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Fresh from the Ocean

    Fresh from the Ocean
    Fresh from the Ocean
    Fresh from the Ocean
    Fresh from the Ocean
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_


    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Pink is usually overly confident, and flirty- (only with his girlfriend). Though sometimes he goes overboard with his dirty talk and it makes her upset. He doesn't get angry or insist he didn't do anything wrong. But thinks about what he did and does feel guilt. He loves her-

    Pink is usually overly confident, and flirty- (only with his girlfriend). Though sometimes he goes overboard with his dirty talk and it makes her upset. He doesn't get angry or insist he didn't do anything wrong. But thinks about what he did and does feel guilt. He loves her-
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Bubble Gum Crush Lesbians but both too shy or dumb to ask each other out-

    Bubble Gum Crush
Lesbians but both too shy or dumb to ask each other out-


🕯️Klaus 🌙@wormcircle