Savajin | JOYCONBOY@SuperSavajin

    Ok but can we talk about how we are probably going to fight this evil Chozo who probably has his own Varia Suit in Dread? This game has me so excited bruh

    Ok but can we talk about how we are probably going to fight this evil Chozo who probably has his own Varia Suit in Dread?
This game has me so excited bruh
    Ok but can we talk about how we are probably going to fight this evil Chozo who probably has his own Varia Suit in Dread?
This game has me so excited bruh
    Savajin | JOYCONBOY@SuperSavajin

    I'm in immeasurable pain right now 😫 Only Momo can save us from this pain.

    I'm in immeasurable pain right now 😫
Only Momo can save us from this pain.
    Savajin | JOYCONBOY@SuperSavajin

    Btw Twilight Princess would a perfect game to cover in the Live Action Movie especially since the Manga adaptation was a banger.

    Btw Twilight Princess would a perfect game to cover in the Live Action Movie especially since the Manga adaptation was a banger.
    Btw Twilight Princess would a perfect game to cover in the Live Action Movie especially since the Manga adaptation was a banger.