
    Twitter is making it harder for artists once again, the only format that will not be cropped now is 16:9 instead of a square, and to have a square not cropped you have to add 2 or more images. All the pictures formatted for twitter before this update are badly cropped now

    Twitter is making it harder for artists once again, the only format that will not be cropped now is 16:9 instead of a square, and to have a square not cropped you have to add 2 or more images.
All the pictures formatted for twitter before this update are badly cropped now
    Twitter is making it harder for artists once again, the only format that will not be cropped now is 16:9 instead of a square, and to have a square not cropped you have to add 2 or more images.
All the pictures formatted for twitter before this update are badly cropped now

    did the character inspo chart for Mea 😳

    did the character inspo chart for Mea 😳