Katta 🦈@kattamedslips

    i'm realising i draw a lot of stuff i never post - but i love seeing other people's doodles lol, so why not.. here are some scribbles from about a month ago

    i'm realising i draw a lot of stuff i never post - but i love seeing other people's doodles lol, so why not.. here are some scribbles from about a month ago
    Katta 🦈@kattamedslips

    ok so after seeing all these pics of chris mclean I just.... I need to share this bc i'm LOSING MY MIND over here!!!!!

    ok so after seeing all these pics of chris mclean I just.... I need to share this bc i'm LOSING MY MIND over here!!!!!
    ok so after seeing all these pics of chris mclean I just.... I need to share this bc i'm LOSING MY MIND over here!!!!!
    ok so after seeing all these pics of chris mclean I just.... I need to share this bc i'm LOSING MY MIND over here!!!!!
    ok so after seeing all these pics of chris mclean I just.... I need to share this bc i'm LOSING MY MIND over here!!!!!
    Katta 🦈@kattamedslips

    old sketches for a tiny project... i still like these !! Maybe i'll post the final thing soon too ?

    old sketches for a tiny project... i still like these !!
Maybe i'll post the final thing soon too ?
    Katta 🦈@kattamedslips

    uh oh, it's Muscle Dog! Watch out!!!!

    uh oh, it's Muscle Dog! Watch out!!!!
    Katta 🦈@kattamedslips

    this little art dump is called "I forgot how to draw, turns out all i can do these days is doodle pokemon stuff" also whoever can name them all wins a prize

    this little art dump is called "I forgot how to draw, turns out all i can do these days is doodle pokemon stuff"

also whoever can name them all wins a prize
    this little art dump is called "I forgot how to draw, turns out all i can do these days is doodle pokemon stuff"

also whoever can name them all wins a prize
    this little art dump is called "I forgot how to draw, turns out all i can do these days is doodle pokemon stuff"

also whoever can name them all wins a prize


