She'll be okay

    She'll be okay


    Character sheet for one of the central characters of my next comic project, Jester Knight

    Character sheet for one of the central characters of my next comic project, Jester Knight

    More Jester Knight stuff. This time a sheet for a minor character. Just 2 more sheets left for some other minor characters and I should be all set

    More Jester Knight stuff. This time a sheet for a minor character. Just 2 more sheets left for some other minor characters and I should be all set

    Here's the cover page for Jester Knight. I've got 3 pages done and plenty more to go. In total there should be roughly 57 or so pages, assuming I don't change anything. Gonna be a while before I finish this thing, but I'm excited to keep working on it. Hope you guys like it

    Here's the cover page for Jester Knight. I've got 3 pages done and plenty more to go. In total there should be roughly 57 or so pages, assuming I don't change anything. Gonna be a while before I finish this thing, but I'm excited to keep working on it. Hope you guys like it