Here's the main cast for my next one shot. Might tweak their designs over time, but I think they'll overall stay the same. The best way I can describe this story is it's a modern day super natural crime fantasy.
Here are the Dragon Slayers of the squadron. Leo is the energetic and plucky happy go lucky MC. Holly is a totally average girl who unfortunately for her gets roped up in everyone's shenanigans (mostly by Leo, Luzita and Bossman).
Here's the exorcists of the squadron. Aster is the serious rival character and Luzita is a menace
first drawings of the year
She'll be okay
Some more Cave Girl
new friend
These 3 are members of the Buffet Bull Bandits! They're another restaurant in the world of Red Hot Roller, only instead of cooking food themselves they just steal it from their rivals
Introducing a new faction to Red Hot Roller