LOVING REAPER turns 4 years old today! 💫 Thank you for following the journey so far :)
Does anyone have a suggestion where I can find a Japanese translator for my comics? The one on Pixiv was very well received, I would like to pursue this further. Paid, of course.
Since "Pet" is trending right now, I'll post the short form of my comic. As long as there's always new footage of abandoned, neglected or abused pets, I won't shut up. I'm SO TIRED of this. Don't get a pet if you are not serious about caring for it for as long as it's alive.
Even in 2019, you still hear of black cats being associated with superstitions, witches, black magic and such. Black shelter pets are less likely to be adopted than pets of other colors. They still face so much hate nowadays and the more I read about this topic, the sadder I get.
Mytsery solved! Make sure your cat doesn't hold any grudges! 💀 #Caturday
New comic, about something that shouldn't be a thing anymore. 1/2
Story of a mother. 1/2 - Rest in comments.
Little summer special for you ☀️😄 It's a bit different from my usual content but I need something funny inbetween to stay sane lol So, who did the better job? 😄 rest in comments 1/3
Do comics count for #inktober ? I cried making this.
For grandma, who loved pigeons, and for grandpa, who did not but wanted her to be happy 🥺❤️ A thread - rest in comments 1/3
Once a bus drove in front of me. A small family of ducks was almost completely on the other side of the road, only the last three chicks were lagging behind. if the bus would have waited only 2-3 seconds they would have made it, but it ran over them. Please brake for Ducks. 1/2