when i was in secondary school, my home econs partner was walking over to our table with a knife but she was holding it like THIS and nearly stabbed me in the chest when i turned around

    when i was in secondary school, my home econs partner was walking over to our table with a knife but she was holding it like THIS and nearly stabbed me in the chest when i turned around

    i made this for comm purposes but i will slap it here anyway

    i made this for comm purposes but i will slap it here anyway

    i don't know if i've ever posted this before but a silly thing with my doc and kal from a few months ago

    i don't know if i've ever posted this before but a silly thing with my doc and kal from a few months ago
    i don't know if i've ever posted this before but a silly thing with my doc and kal from a few months ago
    i don't know if i've ever posted this before but a silly thing with my doc and kal from a few months ago

    ft. dr aperture from @adagorefiend

    ft. dr aperture from @adagorefiend

    Discussion of what they would be doing if they didn't become doctors and my answer was 'commissions but for wood carvings' (also sorry chich if u somehow get tagged in this cos they don't show me whether or not you're being tagged in this reply)

    Discussion of what they would be doing if they didn't become doctors and my answer was 'commissions but for wood carvings' (also sorry chich if u somehow get tagged in this cos they don't show me whether or not you're being tagged in this reply)