a Fancy Way to Hand Grail Need to draw this so I can let it out of my mind! Parody of the very last scene of the Moriarty event~ Better res here! https://t.co/40wWR3LZr3 #FGO
Insiden Tokek Kamar Mandi Moona (Moona's Bathroom Gecko Incident) https://t.co/84ASvJzxyu #HoshinovArt #graveyART
Su-pa- clean! #artsofashes #絵ニックス #みかじ絵 #holotalk #orangewomen #オレンジコアラ
Insiden Tokek Kamar Mandi Moona (Moona's Bathroom Gecko Incident) https://t.co/84ASvJzxyu #HoshinovArt #graveyART
An old short comic about she who gave up on her dream once and rise again to become the main character in her story. Main Character 1/7
あっ… #miComet #ほしまちぎゃらりー #miko_Art
まとめ③ #みかじ絵 #桐生会FOREVER #止まらない桐生会ココで待ってる
Another old short comic, this time about a New Beginning Tamat? (The title is in Bahasa; means Is it the End?) 1/6