some alt color ideas for red and slasher!

    some alt color ideas for red and slasher!
    some alt color ideas for red and slasher!

    i showed a friend yafya from beastars and he responded by saying "he looks like a bojack horseman who f**ks" and it becomes harder and harder to disagree with him with each chapter he appears in.

    i showed a friend yafya from beastars and he responded by saying "he looks like a bojack horseman who f**ks" and it becomes harder and harder to disagree with him with each chapter he appears in.

    btw if you need any convincing to read dai dark (new manga from the dorohedoro artist) enjoy these 3 panels.

    btw if you need any convincing to read dai dark (new manga from the dorohedoro artist) enjoy these 3 panels.
    btw if you need any convincing to read dai dark (new manga from the dorohedoro artist) enjoy these 3 panels.

    people often say the art in bleach got worse as it reached its finale but i think the opposite. i think very few controlled the limitations of a black and white medium the way kubo did. the minimalism near the end of the series wasnt lazy. it was masterful.

    people often say the art in bleach got worse as it reached its finale but i think the opposite. i think very few controlled the limitations of a black and white medium the way kubo did. the minimalism near the end of the series wasnt lazy. it was masterful.
    people often say the art in bleach got worse as it reached its finale but i think the opposite. i think very few controlled the limitations of a black and white medium the way kubo did. the minimalism near the end of the series wasnt lazy. it was masterful.
    people often say the art in bleach got worse as it reached its finale but i think the opposite. i think very few controlled the limitations of a black and white medium the way kubo did. the minimalism near the end of the series wasnt lazy. it was masterful.
    people often say the art in bleach got worse as it reached its finale but i think the opposite. i think very few controlled the limitations of a black and white medium the way kubo did. the minimalism near the end of the series wasnt lazy. it was masterful.

    im super proud of how this fight between aster and phoebe has been going. these last few pages especially. i feel like ive already come a long way since the comic started. if you havent checked out my webcomic yet maybe this will convince you!

    im super proud of how this fight between aster and phoebe has been going. these last few pages especially. i feel like ive already come a long way since the comic started. if you havent checked out my webcomic yet maybe this will convince you!
    im super proud of how this fight between aster and phoebe has been going. these last few pages especially. i feel like ive already come a long way since the comic started. if you havent checked out my webcomic yet maybe this will convince you!
    im super proud of how this fight between aster and phoebe has been going. these last few pages especially. i feel like ive already come a long way since the comic started. if you havent checked out my webcomic yet maybe this will convince you!
    im super proud of how this fight between aster and phoebe has been going. these last few pages especially. i feel like ive already come a long way since the comic started. if you havent checked out my webcomic yet maybe this will convince you!