
    possible keychain friends.........

    possible keychain friends.........

    🐺🫐Blueberry Wolf🫐🐺 shirt pre-orders are open in my etsy shop!!!! These are $24 w/ free domestic shipping; one they're in stock they'll be $30. They'll be in by mid-august, so expect about 4 weeks for fulfillment! Link to my etsy in my pinned tweet!!!

    🐺🫐Blueberry Wolf🫐🐺 shirt pre-orders are open in my etsy shop!!!! These are $24 w/ free domestic shipping; one they're in stock they'll be $30.
They'll be in by mid-august, so expect about 4 weeks for fulfillment!
Link to my etsy in my pinned tweet!!!
    🐺🫐Blueberry Wolf🫐🐺 shirt pre-orders are open in my etsy shop!!!! These are $24 w/ free domestic shipping; one they're in stock they'll be $30.
They'll be in by mid-august, so expect about 4 weeks for fulfillment!
Link to my etsy in my pinned tweet!!!
    🐺🫐Blueberry Wolf🫐🐺 shirt pre-orders are open in my etsy shop!!!! These are $24 w/ free domestic shipping; one they're in stock they'll be $30.
They'll be in by mid-august, so expect about 4 weeks for fulfillment!
Link to my etsy in my pinned tweet!!!

    There are two wolf t-shirt preorder posts inside my twitter. One of them has no link to my shop but was posted at 11am pacific, one of them has a link to my shop but is posted at a more algorithmically acceptable time window. Which will win? You decide...

    There are two wolf t-shirt preorder posts inside my twitter. One of them has no link to my shop but was posted at 11am pacific, one of them has a link to my shop
but is posted at a more algorithmically acceptable time window. Which will win? You decide...
    There are two wolf t-shirt preorder posts inside my twitter. One of them has no link to my shop but was posted at 11am pacific, one of them has a link to my shop
but is posted at a more algorithmically acceptable time window. Which will win? You decide...
    There are two wolf t-shirt preorder posts inside my twitter. One of them has no link to my shop but was posted at 11am pacific, one of them has a link to my shop
but is posted at a more algorithmically acceptable time window. Which will win? You decide...

    oh speaking of, if you want to follow my instant gram or just look at a gallery of my art because twitter sucks for that, it's

    oh speaking of, if you want to follow my instant gram or just look at a gallery of my art because twitter sucks for that, it's

