I didn't really work on this during August, but I've been trying to catch up a bit the last week still at about 60/78 drafted

    I didn't really work on this during August, but I've been trying to catch up a bit the last week

still at about 60/78 drafted
    I didn't really work on this during August, but I've been trying to catch up a bit the last week

still at about 60/78 drafted

    #inktoberday14 some quick doodles since I need to work on the tarot cards aaaaaa #Inktober #Inktober2019

    #inktoberday14 some quick doodles since I need to work on the tarot cards aaaaaa 
#Inktober #Inktober2019
    #inktoberday14 some quick doodles since I need to work on the tarot cards aaaaaa 
#Inktober #Inktober2019
    #inktoberday14 some quick doodles since I need to work on the tarot cards aaaaaa 
#Inktober #Inktober2019

    boy oh man did i get sidetracked today, heres a scribble from work to count as #inktober fffffffff ill properly catch up later

    boy oh man did i get sidetracked today, heres a scribble from work to count as #inktober fffffffff ill properly catch up later

    the stack grows... (I'm working on this still alongside inktober this month)

    the stack grows... 

(I'm working on this still alongside inktober this month)
    the stack grows... 

(I'm working on this still alongside inktober this month)
    the stack grows... 

(I'm working on this still alongside inktober this month)

    ugh going to force myself to do this even if it kills me #inktoberday21 #inktober #inktober2019

going to force myself to do this even if it kills me

#inktoberday21 #inktober #inktober2019

