PKETTLES 🆖@PitooKettles

    My first post of the decade is chrobin fire emblem

    My first post of the decade is chrobin fire emblem
    My first post of the decade is chrobin fire emblem
    My first post of the decade is chrobin fire emblem
    PKETTLES 🆖@PitooKettles

    when u gotta go over battle tactics with ur tactician but all u can think about is accidentally seeing her boobies

    when u gotta go over battle tactics with ur tactician but all u can think about is accidentally seeing her boobies
    PKETTLES 🆖@PitooKettles

    kettlez >:)

    kettlez >:)
    kettlez >:)
    kettlez >:)
    PKETTLES 🆖@PitooKettles

    here's the version with words. i misspelled luthier by accident. i know that was silly of me.

    here's the version with words. i misspelled luthier by accident. i know that was silly of me.
    PKETTLES 🆖@PitooKettles

    from my most recent ask kettles on instagram :o)

    from my most recent ask kettles on instagram :o)
    from my most recent ask kettles on instagram :o)
    from my most recent ask kettles on instagram :o)
    from my most recent ask kettles on instagram :o)